Publicly available educational materials on media literacy in 5 languages

Teaching Material Pack (TMP) dedicated to Media Literacy Education Using the Blended Learning Method, which was created within the Transcontinental MEDIActive Youth: Africa on Board Project, is publicly accessible on the project website,

This educational package consists of a Media Literacy Education Training Course curriculum, textbook, and guidelines. All three publications are created and available in English, Arabic, Estonian, Macedonian, and Serbian languages.

Given that all three publications may be freely downloaded, distributed, and utilized, these materials will be a significant resource for anyone interested in engaging with media literacy (using the blended learning method) and educating themselves or others, especially young individuals, in this field.

The Curriculum has 20 lessons / learning scenarios. Each learning scenario consists of: title, abstract, keywords, preparation time, teaching time, OER), aim of the lesson, outcome of the lesson, lesson implementation process, materials and tools required for the lesson.

In accordance with Curriculum, the Textbook has 20 lessons, each of which is designed as a separate workshop. Its content covers all the most important topics of media literacy and media activism: Media and Communication, What is Media Literacy?, Critically Reading Media Messages, Basic Principles of Journalism, Top 10 Rules of Journalism, Basic Rules of Writing, What is Style?, Writing a Concept, Finding Reliable Sources, Fake News, Fact Checking, Ethics of Journalism, Youth Activism, Social Media & Activism, Publishing & Posting, Blended Learning… Relevant literature and existing OER (texts and multimedia contents) are listed for each lesson/workshop.

The Guidelines are divided into 7 chapters: Introduction, Defining Blended Learning, Applying the Blended Learning Method, The Flipped Classroom, Project-Based Blended Learning, 12 Most Common Types of Blended Learning, and Open Educational Resources. The Guidelines serve as the primary instructions for conducting media literacy education for young people using the blended learning method. They assist trainers in designing, implementing, and evaluating lessons representad in the Texbook.

Publications have been created within the Transcontinental MEDIActive Youth: Africa on Board Project, realized with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme.

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