
Transcontinental MEDIActive Youth: Africa on Board Project

In a world where the role of media has been so great that a term ‘mediacracy’ (the rule of media) has been frequently used to describe it, the need for media literacy and media activism of young people and youth NGOs is apparent. That is the main topic of this, third in the row, MEDIActive Youth project.
Our two previous Erasmus+ MEDIActive Youth projects successfully launched a transcontinental initiative of improving youth media literacy. By now, capacities of 22 youthNGOs from Europe and Latin America have been raised, a Transnational Youth Magazine (TYM), e-magazine for youth policy, youth (media) activism and promotion of democratic values has been launched, and multilingual online courses have been created.
The overall objective of this two-years project is to continue with building capacities of youth NGOs globally and developing open education resources (OER) in the field of media literacy. Particular attention is given here to the African continent (specifically to the North African South Mediterranean countries), and this project will enable it to also join the transcontinental initiative of improving media literacy launched through the previous projects.
Main motivation for designing the Project is to continue raising the level of media literacy among young people and youth NGOs, to enable that youth policy is more exposed in the media and to establish cooperation and networking between the youth NGOs from Europe and Africa. Also, the Project follows from our efforts to better inform young people and wide public about the key issues and problems of youth policy worldwide. A particular challenge is to develop education in media literacy through this Project by using a blended learning method, giving students more flexibility to customize their learning experiences.


1: Increasing the capacity of youth NGOs/workers/activists from 3 Programme and 4 Partner countries from Europe and Africa in the field of media literacy and media activism, and fostering the iractive participation in society

2: Creating high-quality multilingual OER for an innovative blended learning on media literacy and activism

  1. Creating an informational/media hub between Europe, Africa and Latin America in the field of youth policy through further improving the Transnational Youth Magazine by engaging youth activists from Africa and Europe to start write for it


  1. Media Literacy and Blended Learning Training Course for youth trainers
  2. Design and development of teaching material pack (TMP) ”Media Literacy Education by the Blended Learning Method” (training course curriculum, educational materials and guidelines)
  3. Creating MOOC: Moodle course ”MediavLiteracy Education by the Blended Learning Method”
  4. Improving the TYM – new authors, the mesand articles


21 youth trainers and 70 young activists from partner countries


  1. Training course realized
  2. TMP developed
  3. MOOC designed
  4. At least 70 articles written for the TYM