The great Media Literacy Education Guidelines is here!

Youth workers, media activists, and young people, pay attention: the comprehensive “Media Literacy Education by the Blended Learning Method” Training Course Guidelines have arrived!

These Guidelines are part of a Teaching Material Pack (TMP) that we are developing as an educational resource for youth educators to teach media literacy using the blended learning method. Alongside the Guidelines, the TMP also includes a Curriculum and a Textbook. The Guidelines are divided into 7 chapters: Introduction, Defining Blended Learning, Applying the Blended Learning Method, The Flipped Classroom, Project-Based Blended Learning, 12 Most Common Types of Blended Learning, and Open Educational Resources. The Guidelines serve as the primary instructions for conducting media literacy education for young people using the blended learning method. They assist trainers in designing, implementing, and evaluating lessons on various aspects of media literacy. They are meant to be used in conjunction with the Media Literacy Education Curriculum and the Media Literacy Education Textbook which were created as part of this project. They aim to familiarize educators with the blended learning methodology and the methodology of working with youth.

We have currently uploaded the first version of the publication to the project’s website. After the testing phase, we will publish the final version in English, Estonian, Arabic, Macedonian, and Serbian.

The publication can be freely downloaded from the website’s Materials section, distributed, and utilized.

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