The great Media Literacy Education – Training Course Curriculum is here!
Youth workers, media activists, young people – pay attention: the great ”Media Literacy Education by the Blended Learning Method” Training Course Curriculum is here!
The Curriculum is a part of a teaching material pack (TMP) that we are developing as an educational material that youth educators will use to educate young people in media literacy (by using blended learning method). In addition to the Curriculum, TMP also includes a Texbook and a Guidelines.
The Curriculum consists of 20 lessons / learning scenarios; Introduction, Media and Communication, What is Media Literacy?, Critically Reading Media Messages, Basic Principles of Journalism, Top 10 Rules of Journalism, Basic Rules of Writing, What is Style?, Writing a Concept, Finding Reliable Sources, Fake News, Fact Checking, Ethics of Journalism, Youth Activism, Social Media & Activism, Publishing & Posting, Blended Learning, … Each learning scenario consists of: title, abstract, keywords, preparation time, teaching time, OER), aim of the lesson, outcome of the lesson, lesson implementation process, materials and tools required for the lesson.
Currently, we have uploaded the first version of the publication to the project’s website. We will post the final version (in English, Estonian, Arabic, Macedonian and Serbian) after its testing phase.
The publication may be freely downloaded from this website (Materials section), distributed and used.